Like Zelda Fitzgerald, series combines brilliance with erratic, tragic end

Not with a bang, but a whimper, the Zelda Fitzgerald biography series “Z: The Beginning Of Everything” came to a quiet and unexpected end.

Amazon has announced the demise of the series, which starred Christina Ricci as the Alabama belle who with her husband F. Scott Fitzgerald became the king and queen of the Jazz Age in the 1920s.

What made it so strange was that the announcement of the cancellation last month followed an Amazon announcement in April that the series had been renewed and that Karl Gajdusek, an executive producer on the hit Netflix series “Stranger Things,” would take over as its executive producer for season 2.

The cancellation came so late that, according to “The Hollywood Reporter,” about $7 million had already been spent on season two, and scripts were already being written.

On the bright side, if you were watching the series Zelda and Scott had a much happier, if interrupted, life. While the first season showed the good times (Zelda being wooed in Montgomery, Alabama, Scott’s first book being published and being a success, Zelda and Scott becoming “first couple” of the Jazz Age generation), and some of the bad times (marital discord, money troubles, Scott’s increasing drinking) the second season would have been the season of alcoholism, mental breakdowns and tragic fires. So it was an unexpected and premature demise, but if you were fans of the real-life couple, maybe a happy one.

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